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2008年9月24日 星期三

Good suggestion from William

Dear All:

This is a good suggestion from William
如果把 PMP 考試當做一個 project 來看……
加入 PMI 理論上,會增加時間成本……
在 quality 及 deliverables 是增加(至少多一個 PMI member 的身份)
大家自己在自己的 PMP 考試專案計劃書中 balance 吧……


Hello Duncan,

My name is William Chen, your classmate of PMP course.

I was PMI member before. I failed PMP exam (PMPBok 2000) on 2005. My PMI membership expired in Jan. 2006.
I have submitted my PMP credential application last week and PMI is asking me to pay for the exam fee (US$555) before schedule the PMP exam.

I didn't join PMI member this time. It costs US$129 for joining PMI membership.

Per the discussion with our teacher,
We should start to work on our project plan for PMP exam preparation now.

If we need to take the PMP exam 1 month after we finished the course, now it's critical moment.

Any advice?

Thank you very much

Best Regards,


(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,謝謝並歡迎大家參與討論)



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