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2010年1月25日 星期一


Responding Flexibly to Risk~有彈性地回應風險~
Last week I travelled to London by train. We left the station at the scheduled time, followed a fixed route, stopping at a number of predetermined stations on the way, and arrived in London two minutes early. I also recently took a trip on a sailing boat across a small bay. Following a short delay in getting the boat ready, we set off in the right general direction, but were soon driven off course by the wind and tides. We also had to avoid other boats during the crossing, as well as one fast-moving jet-ski which appeared unexpectedly in front of us. Fortunately we were able to reach the other side by adjusting the sails and steering the boat carefully. Our route was certainly not a straight line across the bay, but we arrived at our chosen spot close to the expected time (and we had a very enjoyable time on the way!).

Which of these two journeys best represents your project or your business? Are you travelling by train or sailing a boat? Do you follow a set plan and schedule, expecting each milestone to be passed on time, and hoping to arrive at your destination exactly when you planned (or at least reasonably close)? Is your motto “Plan the work, then work the plan”? Or are you affected by events and circumstances (both foreseeable and unplanned) which require corrections en route to ensure that you arrive safely?

Most of us recognise that life, businesses and projects do not follow straight lines. In most cases, we can set clear goals, and we are often able to plan a route to get us there. However we know that reality is nearly always more untidy than our neat plans. Risk management is one response to this situation, seeking to look ahead and identify possible sources of variation to the plan, then developing appropriate actions to keep us on course.

However even risk management is difficult if you try to run your project or business like a train journey. You have to stay on the fixed rails which lead from start to finish, follow the published timetable, and no deviation is possible. If unexpected events occur (such as fallen trees on the line, or a passenger is taken ill), delay or cancellation are the only options. It would be far better to treat projects and businesses like sailing boats. Their key characteristic is flexibility, the ability to respond quickly to changing circumstances. If the wind blows us off course we can adjust our sails to stay heading towards our goal, and we can even use the wind to assist us on the way.

Of course train and boat journeys are just analogies or similes, which must not be stretched too far. But businesses and projects have to operate in changing environments, where it might not be possible or desirable to stick to the original plan. We need built-in flexibility to allow us to alter course rapidly when things around us change. We should not be rigidly restricted to “staying on track” or trying to avoid “coming off the rails”. Instead we should be free to take advantage of change in order to avoid or minimise threats, exploit or maximise opportunities, and so achieve our goal.

How can businesses and projects ensure that they remain flexible? This starts with a management mindset and organisational culture that accepts uncertainty and does not demand unthinking adherence to “The Plan”. Good plans should include appropriate levels of contingency or reserve, to respond to emergent threats and opportunities. Processes must allow people to respond to changes as they arise, and should not form a straitjacket that imposes conformity. There must of course be a clear vision and a firm focus on the intended goal. The organisation must also have the ability to know where it is and where it’s heading. Finally people should be empowered to act quickly within clear boundaries of authority and accountability, so that they can act appropriately when things change.

So next time someone asks whether your business or project is “on track”, why not reply that you are “navigating towards the goal”, with a clear view of where you are going and a flexible approach to respond to whatever happens along the way.










LAYOUT DESIGN BY [ Duncan ] modified from [BLACKCAT 2.5.0]
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