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2008年10月20日 星期一

Closing the project and contract closure


From crosswind manual test of chapter 6
You network upgrade project is almost complete. You have outsourced the remote upgrades to three different companies for completion. As the project closes down, what comes first?

(A) Contract Closure
(B) Assignment of contracts for the next phase
(C) Release of resources
(D) Closing the project

The answer is (D). (Why not (A))

According to Crosswind opinion, closing the project happens before contract closure. But I don't find this relationship between these two process. Does it correct? How to explain?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)

4 則留言:

  1. yeah, strange indeed.

    If the project closes first, then who will handle the product (upgrades) acceptance, payment,...etc.

    I also choose(A), other opinion?

  2. At page 80 of PMBOK....
    Close project process triger Contract Closure process


    At page 273 of PMBOK....
    Contract Closure process may go back to Close Project process


    and at last close this project at the process of Close project

    So I choise (D) as the answer of this question

  3. Here is the other queston related to closing project on page 404 of Rita, 35. You have just started administrating a contract when management decided to terminate the contract. What should you do FIRST?
    A. Go back to request seller response?
    B. Go back to plan contracting.
    C. Finish contract administration.
    D. Go to contract closure.
    The correct answer is D.

  4. "Conract colsure procedure" and "Administrative closure procedure" are the outpot of Close Project process
    (PMBOK P.79)

    and the "Conract colsure procedure" is also the input of the Contract Closure Porcess.(PMBOK P.272)


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