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2008年10月11日 星期六

One Question from Crosswind Exam Simulation Booklet

About Work Authorization System, We didn't see any descriptions in PMBOK.
Can anyone know why choose (C) answer in N0.11 of page 14 of Crosswind Exam Simulation Booklet

The team has been having issues with work being done as intented because of scope misinterpretation. They are consideringusing a Work Authorization System. What is the main propose of utilizing a Work Authorization System

(A) To show who is reponsible for what work
(B) To serve as a time tracking system
(C) To control Glod Plating
(D) To show what work is to be done in the project

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)

3 則留言:

  1. 解題: 可用消去法
    WAS 並非作為 R&R (Role and reponsibility), Time tracking or WBS 的用途 所以選C
    (C)的解釋 作額外的事情為專案加分要有所節制

    (Glod Plating 鍍金) 不需要為了增加額外很炫的功能而增加專案的時程 成本等

    提供 WAS 的定義作為參考
    Work Authorization System: A work authorization system is a method used in conjunction with project management. The work authorization system is used by the project manager and his or her designees in order to approve all project work throughout the course of the current project management venture. The work authorization system is sometimes referred to as a “WAS.” The work authorization system will typically be in the form of a list of formally adopted and well-documented procedures. Work authorization procedures specifically detail who may authorize work to be completed and how those authorizations may be obtained. These procedures will include which documents must be completed prior to work being initialized, and whether there are any other prerequisites to work being performed at any particular level during the project. To better assist the efficiency of project management in larger projects, work authorization systems also sometimes detail the timeline of the project. For instance, the work authorization system might include at which points in time certain portions of the project should be completed, in which order those tasks are to be completed, and by whom.


  2. 也就是說 要有一個流程或是機制來控管專案中什麼事該做 什麼事不需要做

  3. 感覺上,這題應該是"哪一個不屬於WAS 的主要目的?" -- What is NOT the main propose(應該是 purpose吧)of utilizing WAS?

    Gold plating 是一個比較負面的用詞,代表非必要的花費。見http://www.wordspy.com/words/goldplating.asp或是http://dictionary.infoplease.com/gold-plating


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