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2008年10月31日 星期五

Residual Risk vs Secondary Risk


No. 110 on page 56 of Crosswind (厚):
The team implemnted a risk response plan when a vendor was unable to fulfill a contract commitment. The response was to choose another vendor. However, in this industry, it's hard to find a good company, and the one selected isn't that much better. The new company is somewhat better at meeting the terms of the contract, but still has some issue from time to time. What best describes these issues?
(A) Secondary risk
(B) Workaround
(C) Residual risk
(D) Risk respose plan
The answer of Crosswind (厚) is (C)
Why not (A) Secondary risk?

The definition of secondary risk means that risks result from the execution of a risk response. Right?  Can someone clarify this?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)



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