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2008年11月28日 星期五

Cost 的題目


Whi1e completing the project, a new project manager is assigned to the project and finds that the activity cost estimates for the project have rarely been accurate.

Which of the following was M0ST probably not done ?

A. A cost constraint from management, a work breakdown structure and a project management plan

B. A cost constraint from management, a risk assessment and a team

C. Forming a team . a work breakdown structure and historical records from previous projects

D. Forming a team . a project management plan and a risk assessment


To find the answer, look for things that would cause a poor estimate. A project management plan (choices A and D) comes after the creation of estimates. Risk assessment (choices B and D) normally occur after estimating.

我覺得這一題(A) 這一個答案會有爭議,
在 2000版的時候,我們可以說 Project management plan 在 所有的 plan 都做完後才產出……對2000 年的 pmbook 而言,
(A) 的答案是錯的。

但是實際上在 2004 版的時候, Project management plan 在 Develop Project Management Paln 時就已經生產了
(當然,其它的 management plan 要在其它的 planing process 中再加入內容)
所以對於 2004 版的 pmbok 而言……
我不覺得 (A) 是錯的……


(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)

For the question, you need to determine the reason why you cannot get the accurate cost estimates,  you need to work on bottom-up estimating with team. Right?
If they haven’t acquired project team (section 9.1)/formed the project team, then they probably cannot do good job for bottom-up estimating in order to get the most accurate cost estimates.
Refer to section Bottom-up Estimating,
This technique involves estimating the cost of individual work packages or individual schedule activities with the lowest level of detail. This detailed cost is then summarized or “rolled up” to higher levels for reporting and tracking purposes. The cost and accuracy of bottom-up cost estimating is typically motivated by the size and complexity of the individual schedule activity or work package. Generally, activities with smaller associated effort increase the accuracy of the schedule activity cost estimates.
Since we knew that staffing management plan is part of project management plan and it’s one of inputs to the process of cost estimating, so the process of acquire project team should be done in order to form the team.  The team can help to work on bottom-up estimating.  Right?  
In addtion, it would be helpful to understand Form, Storm, Norm and Perform. 

When teams and other groups of people come together, they typically go through a number of developmental stages. This process can take a few days or stretch over a much longer period. It can easily take six months for a team to settle down.
A role of the manager (or external facilitator) in this process is not to jump straight to 'perform', but to facilitate this social process and speed the team through the four stages. In particular if the group gets stuck at any point, the manager can help to resolve issues and move them on towards ultimate performance.


Forming happens when people first come together. They are initially polite and the conversation is mostly exploratory, finding out about one another and the work that is to be done.
People here are typically in the 'honeymoon' period and are quite excited about the newness and potential of being in the team. Some also may be more fearful and timid, whilst others are less gregarious, observing from the sidelines more than getting in there and exposing themselves

Managing forming

Managing the 'form' stage is best done by introducing people to one another and ensuring the quiet ones are drawn out and not left out. Rituals may be used to introduce people and get them engaged. The work to be done needs to be communicated in a way that helps the team understand what needs to be achieved without overwhelming them with detail.


As the initial politeness fades, people start to get more into the work and their roles and so start to argue about things that were left unsaid or not realized when they first met. 
Storming can be fiercer if one or more conditions exist:
  • More than one dominant person who wants to be the leader (formal and/or social).
  • Unclear formal roles
  • Unclear objectives
  • Little or large external threat

Managing storming

The manager here needs to assert their role and help draw out and resolve differences that might otherwise bubble along under the surface, causing continuing team cohesion problems.
Storming can also be reduced by clarifying work goals and individual role and objectives. When people know what individual success means, they become more focused.
External threat can be used to focus the team, but care is needed. When there is little external threat, people easily turn inwards. Extreme threat can also lead to conflict as revert to high-control behavior.
Team rules such as collaboration and sharing may also start to be developed here, continuing into the next stage of developing group norms. At the very least, storming gives a clear indication as to why such rules are needed!


As roles and personal conflicts are sorted out, the focus turns towards the task and what needs to be done. Objectives are clarified and the detail of work is laid out. Feeling more as a team, people start to help one another more.
Socially, group rules develop and are refined. People begin to feel like they are members of the same team and form a clear sense of identity. Internal conflict may be replaced with external conflict as the human focus turns to 'us and them.'

Managing norming

Managing the process of norming requires a balanced focus on people and work. Work planning will proceed apace as people feel more comfortable in their roles and in working with other people. Group norms and behaviors may be deliberately developed and stories used to discuss and deploy these.


Finally, a steady-state is achieved, where the team reaches and optimal level of performance. A good team will feel like a happy family whilst other teams reach working agreements where personal differences are managed and largely kept under control.

Managing performing

The manager cannot sit back and relax in this stage, but their focus can now be significantly more on the work as the people-related activity falls into a maintenance mode with ongoing performance management and motivation.
Care does need to be taken to sustain an effective task-people balance as it is easy to slip into a happy and lower-performing family or to forget the people in an ever-increasing focus on the task at hand.



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