A project manager has just completed subjectively evaluating risks on the project. Which of the following is the MOST important output of this process?
A Decrease in the risk ranking for the project
B A determination of which risks to process further and which to simply document
C Probabilistic analysis of the project and identification of risk triggers
D Probability of achieving cost objectives
You need to realize that you are completing qualitative risk analysis. Choice A occurs during risk response planning, Choices C and D occur during quantitative risk analysis and risk response planning.
這一題一開始在讀的時候,會搞不清楚,它是在考 qualitative risk analysis 或是 quantitative risk analysis process
因為這兩個 process , 我們都會有 evaluate 的動作……
所以 (B), (C) 兩個答案都可以被考慮……
(p.s. (A), (D) 就不用考慮了,那很明顯是 risk response planning process 中才會發生的行為)
我覺得主要應該是在 subjectively 這一個字眼……
我們大概可以在 qualitative risk analysis 或是 quantitative risk analysis 這兩個process 中的 TT 比較看得出來……
quanlitaitve risk analysis Process 中的兩種 TT
1.Data Gathering and Representation Techniques
( include Interviewing,Probability distributions, and Expert judgement)
2.Quantitive Risk Analysis and Modeling Techniques
( include Senitivity Analysis, Expected Monetary Value analysis,Decision tree analysis, and Modeling and simulation)
看起來都都是比較 objectivity ,而不是 subjectivity 的手法……
(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)
2008年11月30日 星期日
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回覆刪除在Rita Page. 344的Trick of the trade,有提到 Remember that qualitative risk analysis is a subjective analysis of risk identified in risk identification
然後在PMBOK P.237有提到 Qualitative Risk Analysis - prioritizing risks for subsequent further analysis or action by assessing and combining their of occurrence and impact