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2008年11月28日 星期五

Project Time Management 的題目

滿有意思的題目……willaim 同學分享的
(想想看題目的在問那一個 process 發生的事,答案應該就出來了)
What might historical records from previous projects used as an input to activity definition include?
A . Activities
B Resources
C Costs
D Schedule

This question is worded strangely! Get used to it because you will have many instances where it will take you two minutes to figure out what the question is asking, let alone come up with the best answer.

Also refer to Section 6.1.1 Activity Definition: Inputs  

.2 Organizational Process Assets

Organizational process assets (Section contain the existing formal and informal activity planning-related policies, procedures, and guidelines that are considered in developing the activity definitions. The lessons-learned knowledge base contains historical information regarding activities lists used by previous similar projects that can be considered when defining project schedule activities.

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)



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