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2008年11月28日 星期五

A project manager has just finished the risk response plan for a U.S. $387,000 engineering project. Which of the following should he probably do NEXT?
A Determine the overall risk rating of the project. 
B Begin to analyze the risks that show up in the project drawings. 
C Add work packages to the project work breakdown structure.
D Hold a project risk reassessment. 

This situation is occurring during project planning. Planning must be completed before moving on. Determining the risk rating of the project (choice A) is done during qualitative risk analysis, and should have already been done. Choice B is work that is done during project executing. Project risk reassessment (choice D) occurs during risk monitoring and control, the next step in the risk process after response planning. But the question does not ask what is next in the risk management process, just what is next. Only choice C comes after risk in project planning. Do you know the order of planning yet?

例如:買保險……這樣會增加 work package 了……
(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)



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