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2008年12月29日 星期一

My PMP exam experience


1. 時間的掌握
2. 把PMBOK讀仔細
在這裡我不說讀熟,特別讀到仔細,因為有一些問題直接考ITTO,有一些問題是PMBOK 中提到的例子,有些是問名詞的定義,這些PMBOK中都有說明,包含Glossary。但請讀英文,中文的PMBOK可以給你觀念,但是沒辦法給你英文清楚的定義。如果你選擇錯誤的語言,等到這些題目出現的時候,是竊笑還是搥胸呢?
3. 不用擔心題目看不懂

其他的在太緊張及恍神中都忘了,唯一記得比較清楚的是問我關於cost of quality,題目還不少,但是原諒我腦容量不大的大腦忘記詳細的問題了,在此也預祝其他人考試順利

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年12月11日 星期四


Dear All:

After discussion with Sophia...
我們決定把時間訂在 2008/12/20(六)早上 10:00 ~ 12:00
10:00 ~ 10:50:請考過的同學進行心得分享。
10:00 ~ 11:00:休息十分鐘。
10:00 ~ 12:00:問題與討論。
a. 考試準備的方向、方法、以及觀念的問題提出與討論。(預計二十分鐘)
b. 模擬試題的討論。(預計四十分鐘)


(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)

2008年12月7日 星期日

What's different with Procurement Document Package and Procurement Documents?

About the Procurement Document Package and the Procurement Documents

One is the output of Plan Contracting Process,
another is the output of Request Seller Responses Process....

Frankly, they look alike.....
Could anyone explain the difference between them?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年12月4日 星期四

about the Work Performance Infromation

The Work Performance Infromation is the key output of the Direct and Manage Project Execution Process... and will be the input of
1. ALL the Monitoring & Controlling Process Groups (deside Schedule Control Process)
2. Close Project Process. ( for final closure report)
3. Perform Quality Assurance Porcess. ( for the activities to improve process quality)

My question is ......

Why isn't the Work Performance Infromation also the input of Schedule Control Process?
Needn't we use Work Performance Infromation to Control our shedule ?
Shouldn't we compare the data from Work Performance Infromation with shedule baseline?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


about the Performance reports

the Performance reports are the output for the Performance Reporting Process
and will be the input of ALL the Monitoring & Controlling Process Groups
1. Monitor and Control Project Work Process.
2. Integrated Change Control Process.
3. Perform Quality Process.

My question is ......

Monitor and Control Project Work 以及 Integrated Change Control 這兩個 Process 不需要 Performance reports 這還可以理解,但是為什麼 Perform Quality Process 也不需要呢?不知道大家有什麼看法?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


Distribute the information.....

Project information has been distributed according to the communications
management plan. Some project deliverables have been changed in accordance with
the project management plan. One stakeholder expressed surprise to the project
manager upon hearing of a previously published change to a project deliverable. All
stakeholders received the communication containing notification of the change.
What should the project manager do?
A. Determine why the stakeholder did not receive the information and let him know
when it was published.
B. Ask the functional manager why the stakeholder did not understand his
C. Review the communications management plan and make revisions if necessary.
D. Address the situation in the next steering committee meeting so others do not miss
published changes.

Answer C
Explanation Choice A cannot be correct because the question states that all
stakeholders received the information. Choices B and D do not address the root
cause of the problem. The problem presented here shows that there is something
missing in the communications management plan. The best answer is to review the
communications management plan in order to prevent future problems and find any
instances of similar problems.

Why not A?
辦識完了,才去改 Communication Management Plan ?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年12月2日 星期二

PMP simulation test

Good website

There is a hyperlink http://www.pmstudy.com/index1.asp
There are 200 questions for free trial.
After you finish the test, it will show your score, analysis your correct rate by knowledge area, provide the detail answer.
I think you can know more which part you should enhance after you test this exam.
I hope it is helpul for you.

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年11月30日 星期日

High probability and impact risk......

A construction project has a work package that could result in fatalities or long term disabilities with losses of over U.S. $2 million.

The company has had a clean record in the past and has won several safety awards. An appropriate risk mitigation strategy is to:

A post a sign that describes the number of injuries to date and remind everyone to be careful.

B insure against the risk.

C add classroom training on safety for the project team.

D not do the work package.


The question asks for the "appropriate" risk mitigation strategy. The risk described is of such magnitude that choice A would not have enough of a clear effect on the risk. Choice B might decrease cost risk but not other types of risks. You might still have deaths. Classroom training, choice C, might also reduce the probability of the risk occurring, but it is not the "best" or most "appropriate" choice. Because of the company's safety record and the impact of the risk, choice D is the only appropriate choice.

high risk probability and impact → 所以直接 aviod 掉……
(謝謝 william 同學的分享)

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


about the Organizational process assets

Which parts of the risk management process do not generally use organizational process assets as an input?

A Risk identification and qualitative risk analysis

B Qualitative and quantitative risk analysis

C Quantitative risk analysis and risk response planning

D Risk response planning and risk monitoring and control .


Since risk response planning focuses on previously identified risks and risk monitoring and control measures project performance, they do not need to make use of organizational process assets.

Source: PMBOKR Guide

通常在了解 ITTO 時,我不會特別花力氣思考在
Organizational process assets 以及 Eterprise Environmental Factors
這兩個 Input
(謝謝 William 同學分享)

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


Risk qualitive anallysis & Risk quantitative analysis

A project manager has just completed subjectively evaluating risks on the project. Which of the following is the MOST important output of this process?
A Decrease in the risk ranking for the project
B A determination of which risks to process further and which to simply document
C Probabilistic analysis of the project and identification of risk triggers
D Probability of achieving cost objectives

You need to realize that you are completing qualitative risk analysis. Choice A occurs during risk response planning, Choices C and D occur during quantitative risk analysis and risk response planning.

這一題一開始在讀的時候,會搞不清楚,它是在考 qualitative risk analysis 或是 quantitative risk analysis process
因為這兩個 process , 我們都會有 evaluate 的動作……
所以 (B), (C) 兩個答案都可以被考慮……
(p.s. (A), (D) 就不用考慮了,那很明顯是 risk response planning process 中才會發生的行為)
我覺得主要應該是在 subjectively 這一個字眼……
我們大概可以在 qualitative risk analysis 或是 quantitative risk analysis 這兩個process 中的 TT 比較看得出來……
quanlitaitve risk analysis Process 中的兩種 TT
1.Data Gathering and Representation Techniques
( include Interviewing,Probability distributions, and Expert judgement)
2.Quantitive Risk Analysis and Modeling Techniques
( include Senitivity Analysis, Expected Monetary Value analysis,Decision tree analysis, and Modeling and simulation)
看起來都都是比較 objectivity ,而不是 subjectivity 的手法……



(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年11月28日 星期五

A project manager has just finished the risk response plan for a U.S. $387,000 engineering project. Which of the following should he probably do NEXT?
A Determine the overall risk rating of the project. 
B Begin to analyze the risks that show up in the project drawings. 
C Add work packages to the project work breakdown structure.
D Hold a project risk reassessment. 

This situation is occurring during project planning. Planning must be completed before moving on. Determining the risk rating of the project (choice A) is done during qualitative risk analysis, and should have already been done. Choice B is work that is done during project executing. Project risk reassessment (choice D) occurs during risk monitoring and control, the next step in the risk process after response planning. But the question does not ask what is next in the risk management process, just what is next. Only choice C comes after risk in project planning. Do you know the order of planning yet?

例如:買保險……這樣會增加 work package 了……
(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


What is the MOST likely cause of poor risk management?

我跟 william 同學有相同的問題……why?

Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of poor risk management?
A Inadequate risk response planning
B Poor risk monitoring and control
C Lack of a prioritized list of risks
D Lack of detail in the project scope statement

Risk management cannot proceed without a prioritized list of risks.

Can someone clarify this? Why prioritized list of risks? Why not Inadequate risk response planning?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


Cost 的題目


Whi1e completing the project, a new project manager is assigned to the project and finds that the activity cost estimates for the project have rarely been accurate.

Which of the following was M0ST probably not done ?

A. A cost constraint from management, a work breakdown structure and a project management plan

B. A cost constraint from management, a risk assessment and a team

C. Forming a team . a work breakdown structure and historical records from previous projects

D. Forming a team . a project management plan and a risk assessment


To find the answer, look for things that would cause a poor estimate. A project management plan (choices A and D) comes after the creation of estimates. Risk assessment (choices B and D) normally occur after estimating.

我覺得這一題(A) 這一個答案會有爭議,
在 2000版的時候,我們可以說 Project management plan 在 所有的 plan 都做完後才產出……對2000 年的 pmbook 而言,
(A) 的答案是錯的。

但是實際上在 2004 版的時候, Project management plan 在 Develop Project Management Paln 時就已經生產了
(當然,其它的 management plan 要在其它的 planing process 中再加入內容)
所以對於 2004 版的 pmbok 而言……
我不覺得 (A) 是錯的……


(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)

For the question, you need to determine the reason why you cannot get the accurate cost estimates,  you need to work on bottom-up estimating with team. Right?
If they haven’t acquired project team (section 9.1)/formed the project team, then they probably cannot do good job for bottom-up estimating in order to get the most accurate cost estimates.
Refer to section Bottom-up Estimating,
This technique involves estimating the cost of individual work packages or individual schedule activities with the lowest level of detail. This detailed cost is then summarized or “rolled up” to higher levels for reporting and tracking purposes. The cost and accuracy of bottom-up cost estimating is typically motivated by the size and complexity of the individual schedule activity or work package. Generally, activities with smaller associated effort increase the accuracy of the schedule activity cost estimates.
Since we knew that staffing management plan is part of project management plan and it’s one of inputs to the process of cost estimating, so the process of acquire project team should be done in order to form the team.  The team can help to work on bottom-up estimating.  Right?  
In addtion, it would be helpful to understand Form, Storm, Norm and Perform. 

When teams and other groups of people come together, they typically go through a number of developmental stages. This process can take a few days or stretch over a much longer period. It can easily take six months for a team to settle down.
A role of the manager (or external facilitator) in this process is not to jump straight to 'perform', but to facilitate this social process and speed the team through the four stages. In particular if the group gets stuck at any point, the manager can help to resolve issues and move them on towards ultimate performance.


Forming happens when people first come together. They are initially polite and the conversation is mostly exploratory, finding out about one another and the work that is to be done.
People here are typically in the 'honeymoon' period and are quite excited about the newness and potential of being in the team. Some also may be more fearful and timid, whilst others are less gregarious, observing from the sidelines more than getting in there and exposing themselves

Managing forming

Managing the 'form' stage is best done by introducing people to one another and ensuring the quiet ones are drawn out and not left out. Rituals may be used to introduce people and get them engaged. The work to be done needs to be communicated in a way that helps the team understand what needs to be achieved without overwhelming them with detail.


As the initial politeness fades, people start to get more into the work and their roles and so start to argue about things that were left unsaid or not realized when they first met. 
Storming can be fiercer if one or more conditions exist:
  • More than one dominant person who wants to be the leader (formal and/or social).
  • Unclear formal roles
  • Unclear objectives
  • Little or large external threat

Managing storming

The manager here needs to assert their role and help draw out and resolve differences that might otherwise bubble along under the surface, causing continuing team cohesion problems.
Storming can also be reduced by clarifying work goals and individual role and objectives. When people know what individual success means, they become more focused.
External threat can be used to focus the team, but care is needed. When there is little external threat, people easily turn inwards. Extreme threat can also lead to conflict as revert to high-control behavior.
Team rules such as collaboration and sharing may also start to be developed here, continuing into the next stage of developing group norms. At the very least, storming gives a clear indication as to why such rules are needed!


As roles and personal conflicts are sorted out, the focus turns towards the task and what needs to be done. Objectives are clarified and the detail of work is laid out. Feeling more as a team, people start to help one another more.
Socially, group rules develop and are refined. People begin to feel like they are members of the same team and form a clear sense of identity. Internal conflict may be replaced with external conflict as the human focus turns to 'us and them.'

Managing norming

Managing the process of norming requires a balanced focus on people and work. Work planning will proceed apace as people feel more comfortable in their roles and in working with other people. Group norms and behaviors may be deliberately developed and stories used to discuss and deploy these.


Finally, a steady-state is achieved, where the team reaches and optimal level of performance. A good team will feel like a happy family whilst other teams reach working agreements where personal differences are managed and largely kept under control.

Managing performing

The manager cannot sit back and relax in this stage, but their focus can now be significantly more on the work as the people-related activity falls into a maintenance mode with ongoing performance management and motivation.
Care does need to be taken to sustain an effective task-people balance as it is easy to slip into a happy and lower-performing family or to forget the people in an ever-increasing focus on the task at hand.


Project Time Management 的題目

滿有意思的題目……willaim 同學分享的
(想想看題目的在問那一個 process 發生的事,答案應該就出來了)
What might historical records from previous projects used as an input to activity definition include?
A . Activities
B Resources
C Costs
D Schedule

This question is worded strangely! Get used to it because you will have many instances where it will take you two minutes to figure out what the question is asking, let alone come up with the best answer.

Also refer to Section 6.1.1 Activity Definition: Inputs  

.2 Organizational Process Assets

Organizational process assets (Section contain the existing formal and informal activity planning-related policies, procedures, and guidelines that are considered in developing the activity definitions. The lessons-learned knowledge base contains historical information regarding activities lists used by previous similar projects that can be considered when defining project schedule activities.

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


Quick Quiz (Change)

滿有意思的題目(willaim 同學的分享)

28. Your new project to outsource work has been going badly. The project deliverables have changed three times, the functional managers keep removing people from the team and the project schedule baseline has been adjusted four times in the first week. This is MOST likely due to a lack of:
A a staffing management plan.
B a signed project charter.
C clear direction from the sponsor.
D a project scope management plan.

Although there are elements of poor scope management and project charter, the best choice is C.

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年10月31日 星期五

Residual Risk vs Secondary Risk


No. 110 on page 56 of Crosswind (厚):
The team implemnted a risk response plan when a vendor was unable to fulfill a contract commitment. The response was to choose another vendor. However, in this industry, it's hard to find a good company, and the one selected isn't that much better. The new company is somewhat better at meeting the terms of the contract, but still has some issue from time to time. What best describes these issues?
(A) Secondary risk
(B) Workaround
(C) Residual risk
(D) Risk respose plan
The answer of Crosswind (厚) is (C)
Why not (A) Secondary risk?

The definition of secondary risk means that risks result from the execution of a risk response. Right?  Can someone clarify this?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


A trigger is an indicator that a risk even will or could occur


183. All of the following are correct regarding risk triggers except...
(A) A trigger does not mean a risk will occur
(B) A trigger come before a risk
(C) A trigger in an indicator that a risk event could occur
(D) A trigger is an indicator that a risk even will occur 
The answer of Crosswind (厚) is (D)
I don't think that it's correct answer.
Refer to No. 26 of Crosswind (薄) on page 111, the anwser is  A trigger in an indicator that a risk event could occur. Please help!  Which one is the correct answer? 

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


Weighting System vs Qualification Sellers list

Pre and Post Test on page 38 of Crosswind (厚):
70. A Project Manager is beginning the solicitation process to find companies that can potentially provide the needed services. The buyer wants to consider only sellers of the services that have met rigid predefined qualifications. What screening mechanism is this?
(A) Advertising
(B) Bidders conference
(C) Weighting System
(D) Qualification Sellers list
The answer of Crosswind is (D)
Can someone carifiy this? Why not weighting system?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年10月30日 星期四

the Input of Communications Planing Process

The propose(output) the Communications Planing Process is to produce the Communications Management Plan...

So , Clearly , we may need the input as follow:
1. Enterprise environmental factors.
2. Organizational process assets.
3. Project management plan(Constraints adn Assumptions)
4. Project scope statement ??????
But why should we need Project scope statement?

there are no clear relationship between Project scope statement and Communications Management plan

According the explanation on PMBOK P.226, it writes:
'The project scope statement (Section provides a documented basis for
future project decisions and for confirming a common knowledge of project scope
among the stakeholders. Stakeholder analysis is completed as part of the Scope
Definition process.'

基本上,有看沒有懂,have any one a good explanation of that?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年10月22日 星期三

crosswind manual test of cost charpter


10. The highway project is in the middle of Planning when the project manager presents a status reporting method to the team. The team members haven't heard of this method before. It's called earned value. To attain buy-in from the team, the project manager begins to expain what earned value status reporting can do for the project, explaining that it will measure which of the following?

(A) time and cost
(B) scope, time and cost
(C) scope and cost
(D) scope and time

answer is (B) (Why not (A), why earned value is related scope?)
crosswind explain AC shows cost, PV shows time, EV shows scope.

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年10月20日 星期一

Closing the project and contract closure


From crosswind manual test of chapter 6
You network upgrade project is almost complete. You have outsourced the remote upgrades to three different companies for completion. As the project closes down, what comes first?

(A) Contract Closure
(B) Assignment of contracts for the next phase
(C) Release of resources
(D) Closing the project

The answer is (D). (Why not (A))

According to Crosswind opinion, closing the project happens before contract closure. But I don't find this relationship between these two process. Does it correct? How to explain?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年10月18日 星期六

博鴻 50th 第一組讀書會 10/24


時間:19:00 on 10/24, Friday

Map is attached.


進度:現場直接討論Crosswind薄本的Quality + Human Resources兩章的題目共60題。
(若還有時間可以再加上討論Rita的Quality + Human Resources兩章的題目。)

Google Cal.


(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年10月17日 星期五

Who sign the Charter?

I think that the PM needs to get the approval and signature from his/her CEO before delivering any contract/service agreement to customer/sponsor for the approval and signature.
The key words of the question are "you are leaving your office", but you are still in your own office (not outside of your office) and "who will you go see for the signature" (also for the approval). Comparing Project Management Team, all Project Stakeholders and project sponsor with CEO of your company, I do think that CEO of your company is the best answer although PM would review the charter with project management team/senior management in his/her company. 
Please correct my answer if required.
This the question from PM PrepCastTM

You are the project manager for the Silver project. You have been brought on to this project in thYou he very early stages and you have been asked to write the charter for it. Over the past 10 days you have met with a number of stakeholders, received their input and you are now ready to have the charter signed. ave the charter in your hand and you are leaving your office. Who will you go see for the signature?

A.) Project Sponsor
B.) The Chief Executive Officer of your company
C.) All Project Stakeholders
D.) The Project Management Team

The answer is B.)

這一題,以我以前的關念,我會選 A) (找 CEO 有一點太大了吧?)
A project charter is normally signed by an authorized approver who is outside of the boundaries of the project. This ensures that authorization and funding is given from without and not from within the project. The Project Sponsor, Stakeholders and the Project Management Team are inside the boundaries of the project. While it may not be normal that the CEO signs a charter, in this question here, the CEO is the only person who is outside of the project boundaries and therefore the right person to sign it.

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


Chart of Accounts

This is the problem from crosswind....

The project planning is progressing. But the team has become frustrated working with the accounting department to set up a system of codes that the accounting department will use to track work on the project. This is known as what?
(A) Accounting codes.
(B) WBS numbering.
(C) Costbdgeting.
(D) Chart of accounts.

The answer is (D)
My question is Why not (A)?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年10月15日 星期三

Dependencies 的題目

Crosswind Custom Websites is building an ecommerce system. However, conflicting priorities from other projects has delayed the finish by two weeks. The schedule shows that the next task is to define the requirements needed by the customer, then that is followed by the coding. This is a example of what?

(A) Lag
(B) Crashing
(C) Discretionary Dependencies
(D) Mandatory Dependencies

Ans: D


(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年10月11日 星期六

One Question from Crosswind Exam Simulation Booklet

About Work Authorization System, We didn't see any descriptions in PMBOK.
Can anyone know why choose (C) answer in N0.11 of page 14 of Crosswind Exam Simulation Booklet

The team has been having issues with work being done as intented because of scope misinterpretation. They are consideringusing a Work Authorization System. What is the main propose of utilizing a Work Authorization System

(A) To show who is reponsible for what work
(B) To serve as a time tracking system
(C) To control Glod Plating
(D) To show what work is to be done in the project

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)

2008年10月8日 星期三

specification = scope statement ?

I have a question. In electrical industry, there is a important document, product specification.
Does specification equal to the scpoe statement? or just part of it?

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年10月5日 星期日

CPI 的考題……


You are project manager working on a construction project to build a bridge. You have completed half of the planned objective. The total planned cost at this stage is $500. The actual physical work that has been completed at this stage is worth $400. You have already spent $1000 on the project . what is the CPI?
A. 1.0
B. 0.5
C. 4.0
D. 0.4

The answer of this question is D

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


Where could we find the risk list?


You have recently joined as the project manager of a project. One of the project documents available to you lists all the risks in a hierarchical fashion. What is this document called?
A. Influence diagram.
B. Risk breakdown structure.
C. Risk management plan.
D. Risk register.


答案是 B....
想想看,為什麼 C 跟 D 兩個答案不對?


(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


Are you ready to pay for your PMI membership fee and PMP Exam Fee recently?

2008年5月最新國外信用卡消費手續費率 - 2008-05-09, 10:25

Are you ready to pay for PMI membership fee and PMP Exam Fee recently? 

I found that some differences about handling fee of credit card, you can refer to the table below and hope it could be useful for your cost saving while you are going to use your credit card for paying your PMI membership fee and PMP Fee:
Bank   VISA Card    Master Card 
永豐信用卡    1%     1%  
花旗銀行     2.20%      2.20% 
匯豐銀行     2.05%      2.05%  
荷蘭銀行     2.00%      2.00% 
中國信託     2.05%          2.05%  
台新銀行   1.55%    1.55% 
國泰世華銀行 1.55%    1.55% 
台北富邦銀行 1.55%    1.55%



(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年10月2日 星期四

請問大家怎麼理解" Quality Control Measurements"?

"Quality Control Measurements" is the output of Perform Quality Control process
the input of Perform Quality Assurance process........

Perform Quality Assurance process 中會有一堆的 QA 的行為(activity)....
and then 這一些 activity 的 Quality 也要有一些驗証的標準……
Quality Control Measurements 就是來驗証 QA activity 的標準……
如此我們可以說「 Quality Control Measurements 其實是 QA activity baseline」?


(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)


2008年9月28日 星期日

A free PMP On-line Exam at Crosswind website


Here is the other free PMP On-line Exam at Crosswind website I hope you find useful:

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)



HI Duncan,

Is it necessary to study Rita's PMP Exam Prep Book?

Now we have some books (PMPBok, Crosswind PMP Exam Success Series: Certification Exam Manual,
PMP Exam Sucess Series:Exam Simulation Booklet and PSIG's books) for PMP exam training course/PMP Exam preparation. I would like to know if it's necessary to study Rita's PMP Exam Prep Book" or not?
I found that it's the book recommended by some people who have already passed PMP exam or do you think that all these books we got are good enough?


2008年9月25日 星期四


給有志於專案管理或是取得專案管理師證照的同志們 一個寶礦




這是我一位在專案管理具有多年經驗 屬於高級講師資深顧問等級 的朋友

建議去走走 多少有收穫

(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,歡迎大家參與討論)

2008年9月24日 星期三

Good suggestion from William

Dear All:

This is a good suggestion from William
如果把 PMP 考試當做一個 project 來看……
加入 PMI 理論上,會增加時間成本……
在 quality 及 deliverables 是增加(至少多一個 PMI member 的身份)
大家自己在自己的 PMP 考試專案計劃書中 balance 吧……


Hello Duncan,

My name is William Chen, your classmate of PMP course.

I was PMI member before. I failed PMP exam (PMPBok 2000) on 2005. My PMI membership expired in Jan. 2006.
I have submitted my PMP credential application last week and PMI is asking me to pay for the exam fee (US$555) before schedule the PMP exam.

I didn't join PMI member this time. It costs US$129 for joining PMI membership.

Per the discussion with our teacher,
We should start to work on our project plan for PMP exam preparation now.

If we need to take the PMP exam 1 month after we finished the course, now it's critical moment.

Any advice?

Thank you very much

Best Regards,


(P.S. 本文章發佈在 PMP交流討論網 ,謝謝並歡迎大家參與討論)



Dear All:

PMBOK 的英文網址如下:
如果沒有還沒有讀取權限,或有其它的技術問題,沒有辦法 donwload 的話,麻煩跟各組組長




Dear All:

當然,有一個重點,就是要麻煩 David 老師多多回應了……



Dear All:

依我之前在看,基本上沒有讀書會,比較會沒有彼此push 的力量,考上的機會也比較小

所以我共申請了四個 google calendar 各小組一個,好讓大家來安排各組的讀書時間……






四個行事曆所設定的結果,都會顯示在我們班的 blogger(http://pmp-tw.blogspot.com/) 上面





Dear All:

迎歡大家使用這個 blogger ,
希望這一個 blogger 可以幫助大家問題的討論與互動……
(當然,如果因此考上 PMP 那是最好不過了)
我基本上會請各組組長把這一個 blogger 撰寫的權限給大家
我也特別邀請了熱心的 David 老師 以及 我公司的一個有 PMP 的同事-Mardy 來回應…
(Of course ,各位如果還有認識那一位高手,也迎歡邀請加入)



班長:Duncan 敬上

2008年9月23日 星期二


test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test

2008年9月22日 星期一



可是不知道為什麼在 IE 上看起來沒有問題,可是在firefox 看起來就會有問題……
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